Home > Artworks > Arturo Siegenthaler

Photo of Arturo Siegenthaler Argentina

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He was born in Marcos Juarez, Cordoba Province February 29, 1944.

From an early age he began drawing and painting in elementary school, showing a particular facility to represent illustrations of the topics covered.

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He was born in Marcos Juarez, Cordoba Province February 29, 1944.

From an early age he began drawing and painting in elementary school, showing a particular facility to represent illustrations of the topics covered.

At age eight, began taking classes at the studio of Professor Nieves Batista, starting with drawing Schemes, charcoal, tempera and oil paintings.

In its adolescence, came to paint the landscape of the area with the master Miguel Dagger, for the first time facing the fields, wheat fields and urban situations.

Finished high school at age 18, he left for the city of Córdoba entering the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, where he earned Degree in Architecture in 1971.

He has since settled in the city of Neuquen, where he worked in his profession within a construction company until 1981. Thereafter, he began working in Public Administration from Neuquén reaching the position of Provincial Director of Architecture in the management of Government 1996/1999.

While it has always been related to the art world through various events, just after 1993 begins to show his work in solo and group exhibitions Neuquén rooms as well as in other provinces.

The most frequently used techniques are oil and acrylic applied with palette knife on hard support.

In his work, the landscape is reflected Patagonia in all its expressions, mountains, valleys, villages, farms. With the use of acrylic or oil, applied in a series of free and spontaneous movements, generated textures, emphasizing the depths, offer a realistic picture of the landscape. His painting can be defined within the post-impressionist realism with strong influences. In their production, are generally significant and identificatory closeups of the chosen scenario, which means that from the viewer, the site survey, the author provokes the feeling that your goal, to reach people, has been achieved.

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